New Scanner System for Measuring Extremely Large Rough Diamonds

OGI Systems Group, the world’s leader in technological solutions in the diamond industry, will be launching OGI Maximus, the first-in-the-world innovative scanner system for easily measuring extra-large rough diamonds, even the latest 1,109 carat stone of the Lucara Company.

OGI Maximus advanced system enables measuring, and planning the optimal rough stones with maximum accuracy.

Development of this OGI Maximus system took several years and was done in cooperation with world leading tender companies. During the development process, innovative technologies were embedded into the system. this include a High Resolution Digital Camera for the most accurate mapping as well as advanced algorithms for maximum profit.


OGI Titanium vs. Water Jet Lasers

Laser cutting of CVD and HPHT can be utilized in two different ways. The first system is a water jet laser. The second system is the most advanced and accurate method; a technology developed by OGI Systems, OGI Titanium.

While using a water laser jet, the water pressure is extremely high and slices of CVD and HPHT material can be lost due to this high pressure. OGI Titanium’s cutting is highly accurate and capable of cutting CVD and HPHT material through a gentle method in order to maintain all beneficial material.

When users cut polarized or sensitive stones, water pressure from a laser jet can easily damage or break the stone. OGI Titanium has a special feature that avoids these breaks and damage offering the highest quality results.

Water laser jets are often difficult to maintain at an extremely high cost and only increases due to the upkeep of the machine. The OGI Titanium is offered at a much lower cost, has extremely low maintenance and only needs to replace a UV lamp once a year at a small cost.

The cost of a water laser jet is 3 times more than OGI’s Titanium. Huge production issues can occur when a water laser jet has a problem and the overall production must stop, resulting in the factory having no material to work with. On the other hand, if OGI Titanium has a problem, the machine still continues to work and factory owners can continue to produce products. The Titanium can still function even if one of its three lasers isn’t working.

All in all, the OGI Titanium’s advanced cutting system is the best option for factories cutting CVD and HPHT. It is low cost, low maintenance, no breakage and damages, and the most modern laser system offered on the market today.

Welcome to the Future of Diamond Marketing

Today’s diamond market, like the rest of the sales world, has been overwhelmed by online sales. There has been a huge trend of diamond buyers to make purchases on the internet instead of in a shop. One of the main reasons for this is cost-effectiveness. Online retailers can offer high-quality products at lower prices due to the fact that companies are not paying to rent a space or paying for salespeople.

Online retailers are also able to offer a larger selection of diamonds. Instead of representing one particular company in a shop, diamond retailers can offer multitudes of companies and more options from each. Buyers are offered all of the information that they need in one place as most online retailers offer detailed explanations of the diamonds as well as certifications.

One of the most exciting and beneficial parts about online retailers is that buyers can see the diamond in larger form and greater detail. Typically in stores, a jeweler can offer buyers a view of the diamond through a ‘jeweler’s loupe’ which doesn’t offer much of a view of a diamond nor does a buyer know what they’re looking at. Now, with the advancement of diamond technology, buyers can enter a diamond retailers website and see multitudes of angles of a diamond in a vivid image. These images assist buyers in seeing the clarity, cut and color of the diamond in the clearest way possible.

Today, OGI Systems offers DiaPix, the next level of online retail sales for marketing your online diamonds or gemstones. DiaPix is a technology used to capture HD images and also includes a 36- degree video capture so buyers can view all parts of the diamond thoroughly and precisely. This advancement of video output can display itself not only with online diamond retailers, but also seller’s websites and other trade platforms.


Make Your Diamond Yours


What is diamond inscription?
The inscription is located on the girdle of a loose diamond. It is engraved into the diamond with non-invasive laser. Following the engraving process, is a black color carbon. The color allows the inscription to be visible under a high magnification glass.

Why Inscribe your Diamond?
The past couple of years has brought rise to the trend of inscribing diamond and gemstones. There are two main reasons that one might choose to create diamond and gemstone inscriptions. These reasons include diamond and gemstone security and personal dedications.

Diamond and Gemstone Security
A lot of upkeep comes with owning a diamond. From time-to-time, diamonds are sent back to jewelers to be reset, repaired, polished, or for general maintenance. Unfortunately, diamond buyers have been victims to jewelers when the jeweler replaces their current diamond with one of lower quality.

A solution to this problem has become diamond inscription. Diamonds can have a specialized inscription that sets it apart from other diamonds. Buyers can guarantee that they receive the same diamond they dropped off. Diamond inscription provides a new level of diamond identification and security.

Personal Dedications
Engraving is the ultimate way to personalize a ring. These engravements are particularly popular with, but not limited to, wedding rings and engagement rings. Interestingly, ring inscriptions became popular in Medieval European courts when individuals would inscribe romantic poetry into wedding rings. The inscription is invisible to the naked eye so inscriptions can be special and personal.

How we can help
OGI Systems LTD. offers GemScribe, diamond girdle laser inscriptions for diamonds and stones. This system allows you to inscribe on girdles of loose stones and embedded ones. GEMScribe is especially useful for laboratories and jewelry dealers that wish to upgrade their certificates of authenticity.

OGI Systems Group Launches Gem System Package at JCK Las Vegas 2015

OGI Systems Group, the leading global company for technological solutions in the diamond industry, announces the launch of Gem System Package (GSP) solutions for Gem Lab and Retailers at JCK Las Vegas 2015.

OGI’s GSP technology is an ideal solution for markets that demand a wide range of products with high accuracy for the purpose of grading and selling polished diamonds.

OGI’s GSP includes DiaPix, Scanox Proportion, GemScribe, CFire, Melee Sorter and DiaCam.

DiaPix: Video photography solutions in just one click.
Scanox Proportion: System based on HD digital and high-speed camera measurements designed for superior evaluation of diamond’s proportions.
GemScribe EX: Fast and automatic laser inscription system for diamonds and gemstones.
CFire: Technology for diamond analysis and absolute grading light performance based on Brilliance, Fire and Scintillation.
Melee Sorter: Computerized gauge for small-stone sorting including length, width, corner angles and diamond edges
DiaCam: Technology that captures clear and precise images of diamonds, gemstones and special H&A stones

GSP technology was designed in order to be adaptable to each customer. It is easily created and altered to fit specialized needs and results.

According to OGI Systems Vice President of Marketing Lior Modlin, “each product in the GSP Solution provides a unique service that allows labs and retailers to complete all diamond certificate requirements and marketing sale processes efficiently.”


OGI Systems Group Creates a New Technology for Analyzing 3D Diamond Symmetry

Recently OGI Systems Group unveiled Symmetry Leakage, an advanced technology for grading 3D diamond symmetry. This technology was developed after OGI identified a problem of time and accuracy in the method that gem labs use to determine diamond symmetry. This technology demanded extensive resources and research from OGI worldwide lab. At the last AGS conclave in New Orleans USA, OGI revealed their innovate system. Symmetry leakage analyzes symmetry based on 3D ideal diamond measurements against realistic internal fractions. It can predict the absolute symmetry leakage in the diamond. This software is the most advanced of its kind and will bring revolutionary change to the method of analyzing diamond symmetry. Until now, diamond symmetry was based on two-dimensional analysis including diamond edges, and matching facets and alignment. The new technology will allow simple and accurate three-dimensional analysis and grading symmetry of a diamond. The system will also give the leakage symmetry in a percentage measurement. The new method enables scanning and analyzing 8 times faster than any other method or system that exists today. Within 18 seconds, you receive one clear image showing the symmetry leakage of the stone and including the many parameters (at least 25 symmetry parameters) that build the stone’s symmetry. According to OGI Systems Group CEO, Daniel Benjano, “this innovative technology system will improve the efficiency in the way that gem labs operate when it comes to grading diamond symmetry. It will significantly reduce the amount of time that a customer’s stone needs to remain in the laboratory offices.”


What’s a Diamond Certificate? Do I Need One?

In today’s progressive diamond industry, a diamond grading certificate has become a necessity when buying and selling diamonds. A diamond certificate is a report created by a third party, usually a team of gemologists. Diamonds are evaluated and measured by special machines such as the Scanox Proportion.

These machines help to provide a final certificate including the diamond’s dimensions, symmetry, polish, clarity and color. Diamond certificates are becoming better known as the fifth C after the popular 4C’s in the industry.

The most reputable diamond institutes to issue these certificates are GIA, AGSL, EGL and HRD. The difference between these top organizations is the clarity and color grading systems.

In recent years, most organizations have tried to standardize their scale so it closely reflects GIA grading scales.

Why Do I Need a Certificate?

With so many different tools accessible in the diamond industry, labs have found the most effective methods to ensure that buyers are ‘getting what they paid for.’ A lot of a diamonds conditions are determined by a very careful eye but range from internal inclusions to color defects. Labs are able to determine the timeline of a diamond and make predictions on the future of a diamond that may currently look perfect to the naked eye.

Also, with the rise of synthetic diamonds, buyers cannot be certain that they aren’t purchasing diamonds made of other material. With the help of special measuring and evaluation tools, gemologists are able to accurately analyze a diamond that give buyers confidence in their purchases as well as solutions to potential problems with the diamond in the future.

Brilliance, Fire and Scintillation of a Diamond

Diamonds and Gems are full of phenomenal beauty from the brilliance, fire and scintillation that they display. This sparkle is caused by light reflection, refraction and dispersion.

How it Works
Light passing through one medium to another and bends at a new or different angle is known as refraction. This is the case for diamond light refraction. Light hits a diamond and while some of it reflects, the other light bends in a new angle inside the diamond. It then bounces off the internal diamond surface and again, bends the light to exit the diamond. This process is known as dispersion.

Dispersion causes white light within the diamond to separate into multiple colors. Some light escapes from the bottom and sides of the diamond and some will reflect from the top. When light hits a diamond or gem in the air, some light bounces off and creates a reflection. The light reflected is also referred to as the ‘fire’ of the stone. The diamond is judged by its pattern of reflection and refraction depending on the diamond’s properties called the ‘refractive index.’

Brilliance (or brightness) refers to the white light that is reflected outward from the diamond. When light enters the diamond, it is dispersed into a spectrum of colors. It then bounces back and forth within the interior. Light exits through the top of the diamond and recombines with white light to create brilliance.


Dispersion is known as the ‘fire’ of a diamond. Fire is the rainbow colors that are reflected from the diamond. Like brilliance, when light exits from the top of the diamond, it stays separated and appears as a flash of color.

Scintillation is the movement of light you see with diamond movement. It appears to the eye as a sparkle effect. Diamonds are assessed on its reflection and refraction light.


Measuring Light Reflection
The light reflection is largely based on the cut of the diamond. It is placed on a measurement scale, the diamond with the best light reflection is known as ‘super ideal’ while diamonds with poor light reflection is known as ‘poor.’ With today’s modern technology, there are many advanced ways of measuring the light reflection of a diamond. Softwares like FireTrace illustrate a graphic image of a diamond and a light reflection projection. The software’s final report of light performance are based on the diamonds brilliance, fire and scintillation.

The Evolution of Diamond Cut Technology

An important factor in the ever-changing diamond industry is the advancements in technology. Technology has created a more reliable and precise method of diamond analysis.

In the past, determining the cut of a diamond was time consuming and required a skillful and accurate eye. Today, advanced systems are created to provide quick and accurate geometrical measurements. These technologies include HD digital cameras, which create detailed models of the stone’s proportions.

Worldwide gem labs are using modern technology to measure diamond proportion, symmetry and extra facets. The labs evaluate results from these technologies to issue certificates. The certificates are the base for standards and legitimacy in the diamond trade.

Diamond cut results are instantly accessible online. Buyers and sellers can research or promote diamonds with complete facet information and images of light reflection within minutes of receiving results.

Diamond technology has made it convenient and easy to buy and sell diamonds confidently. In the past, the process of determining diamond proportions was difficult and involved a certain level of trust with a diamond seller. Now you can rely on advanced technologies such as OGI System’s Scanox Proportion to confidently analyze or purchase superior diamonds.


4 Cs of a Diamond

When you are thinking about purchasing a diamond, it is hard to know where to start. There are many things to take into consideration and the information can be overwhelming! We think the best place to start is to learn the 4 Cs of a diamond. The 4 Cs are a diamond’s cut, color, clarity and carat weight.

The cut of a diamond has more to do with proportions than shape. Each diamond is measured by brilliance and scintillation. Through the process of ‘cutting’ and ‘polishing,’ the diamond facets, the maximum amount of light will enter through the top and be reflected and dispersed back again through the top. If a diamond is cut poorly, it will be less luminous. A successful diamond includes all accurate angles so that the light is broken up to create the most impressive brilliant cut.


They say the best color of a diamond is no color at all! Diamond color grade ironically refers to the lack of color. The perfect colored diamond is transparent. White diamonds are rated from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow.) The color of the diamond directly effects the cut. The more transparent the diamond is, the more likely that the reflected light will display the colors of the rainbow. When purchasing a diamond, make sure the diamond is ranked among the top diamond color grading scale, the Gem Institute of America (GIA.)4Cs_image_color (2)

Clarity refers to the quality of a diamond. The quality is determined by the existence of inclusions or blemishes. Inclusions can be a foreign material or a structural imperfection that include cracks that can taint the appearance of a diamond. Amount, color, location, size and visibility of the inclusion can affect clarity. To determine clarity, a diamond is placed under 10x magnification (typically structural flaws are not visible to the naked eye.)  Again, cloudy inclusions can interfere with light passing through the diamond. Clarity is measured from Flawless (1) to Imperfect (3.) Flawless diamonds are extremely rare and expensive.


The weight of a diamond is measured in carats. The carat is divisible into one hundred points of two milligrams each. As the carat weight of the diamond increases, so does the stones rarity. Therefore, larger carat diamonds are more expensive. It is important to note that the carat weight of a diamond isn’t everything! A diamond with a high carat weight may lack in color, cut and clarity.